0.10 Cs2O • 0.90 SiO2 MAS-ETA

The following example is an application of the statistical learning method in determining the distribution of the Si-29 echo train decay constants in glasses.

Import all relevant packages.

import csdmpy as cp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from mrinversion.kernel import relaxation
from mrinversion.linear_model import LassoFistaCV, TSVDCompression
from csdmpy import statistics as stats

plt.rcParams["pdf.fonttype"] = 42  # For using plots in Illustrator
plt.rc("font", size=9)

def plot2D(csdm_object, **kwargs):
    plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3))
    csdm_object.plot(cmap="gist_ncar_r", **kwargs)

Dataset setup

Import the dataset

Load the dataset as a CSDM data-object.

# The 2D SE-PIETA MAS dataset in csdm format
domain = "https://www.ssnmr.org/sites/default/files/mrsimulator"
filename = f"{domain}/MAS_SE_PIETA_10Cs_90Si_FT.csdf"
data_object = cp.load(filename)

# Inversion only requires the real part of the complex dataset.
data_object = data_object.real
sigma = 1270.825  # data standard deviation

# Convert the MAS dimension from Hz to ppm.
data_object.dimensions[0].to("ppm", "nmr_frequency_ratio")
plot 10Cs 90Si

Prepping the data for inversion

plot 10Cs 90Si

Linear Inversion setup

Dimension setup

Generating the kernel

relaxT2 = relaxation.T2(
        minimum="1e-3 s",
        maximum="1e4 s",
        label=r"log ($\lambda^{-1}$ / s)",
inverse_dimension = relaxT2.inverse_dimension
K = relaxT2.kernel(supersampling=20)

Data Compression

compression factor = 1.7142857142857142
truncation_index = 14

Solving the inverse problem

FISTA LASSO cross-validation

# setup the pre-defined range of alpha and lambda values
lambdas = 10 ** (-4 + 5 * (np.arange(32) / 31))

# setup the smooth lasso cross-validation class
s_lasso = LassoFistaCV(
    lambdas=lambdas,  # A numpy array of lambda values.
    sigma=sigma,  # data standard deviation
    folds=5,  # The number of folds in n-folds cross-validation.
    inverse_dimension=inverse_dimension,  # previously defined inverse dimensions.

# run the fit method on the compressed kernel and compressed data.
s_lasso.fit(K=compressed_K, s=compressed_s)

The optimum hyper-parameters

{'lambda': 0.038075460212223716}

The cross-validation curve

plot 10Cs 90Si

The optimum solution

f_sol = s_lasso.f

levels = np.arange(15) / 15 + 0.1
plt.figure(figsize=(3.85, 2.75))  # set the figure size
ax = plt.subplot(projection="csdm")
cb = ax.contourf(f_sol / f_sol.max(), levels=levels, cmap="jet_r")
ax.set_ylim(-70, -130)
ax.set_xlim(-3, 2.5)
ax.set_ylabel("Frequency / ppm")
plt.grid(linestyle="--", alpha=0.75)
plt.colorbar(cb, ticks=np.arange(11) / 10)

The fit residuals

plot 10Cs 90Si

The standard deviation of the residuals is

<Quantity 1228.1191298>

Saving the solution

f_sol.save("10Cs-90Si_inverse.csdf")  # save the solution
residuals.save("10Cs-90Si_residue.csdf")  # save the residuals


# Normalize the distribution to 1.
f_sol /= f_sol.max()

# Get the Q4 and Q3 cross-sections.
Q4_coordinate = -108.9e-6  # ppm
Q3_coordinate = -98.6e-6  # ppm
Q4_index = np.where(f_sol.dimensions[1].coordinates >= Q4_coordinate)[0][0]
Q3_index = np.where(f_sol.dimensions[1].coordinates >= Q3_coordinate)[0][0]

Q4_region = f_sol[:, Q4_index]
Q3_region = f_sol[:, Q3_index]

Plot of the Q4 and Q3 cross-sections

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(7, 2.75), subplot_kw={"projection": "csdm"})
cb = ax[0].contourf(f_sol, levels=levels, cmap="jet_r")
ax[0].arrow(1, Q4_coordinate * 1e6, -0.5, 0, color="blue")
ax[0].arrow(1, Q3_coordinate * 1e6, -0.5, 0, color="orange")
ax[0].set_ylim(-70, -130)
ax[0].set_xlim(-3, 2.5)
ax[0].set_ylabel("Frequency / ppm")
ax[0].grid(linestyle="--", alpha=0.75)

ax[1].plot(Q4_region, label="Q4")
ax[1].plot(Q3_region, label="Q3")
ax[1].set_xlim(-3, 2.5)
ax[1].grid(linestyle="--", alpha=0.75)

plt.colorbar(cb, ax=ax[0], ticks=np.arange(11) / 10)
plot 10Cs 90Si

Mean and mode analysis

The T2 distribution is sampled over a log-linear scale. The statistical mean of the Q4_region and Q3_region in log10(T2). The mean T2 is 10**(log10(T2)), in units of seconds.

Q4_mean = 10 ** stats.mean(Q4_region)[0] * 1e3  # ms
Q3_mean = 10 ** stats.mean(Q3_region)[0] * 1e3  # ms

Mode the argument corresponding to the max distribution.

# index corresponding to the max distribution.
arg_index_Q4 = int(np.argmax(Q4_region))
arg_index_Q3 = int(np.argmax(Q3_region))

# log10(T2) coordinates corresponding to the max distribution.
arg_coord_Q4 = Q4_region.dimensions[0].coordinates[arg_index_Q4]
arg_coord_Q3 = Q3_region.dimensions[0].coordinates[arg_index_Q3]

# T2 coordinates corresponding to the max distribution.
Q4_mode = 10**arg_coord_Q4 * 1e3  # ms
Q3_mode = 10**arg_coord_Q3 * 1e3  # ms


print(f"Q4 statistics:\n\tmean = {Q4_mean} ms,\n\tmode = {Q4_mode} ms\n")
print(f"Q3 statistics:\n\tmean = {Q3_mean} ms,\n\tmode = {Q3_mode} ms\n")
print(f"r_λ (mean) = {Q4_mean/Q3_mean}")
print(f"r_λ (mode) = {Q4_mode/Q3_mode}")
Q4 statistics:
        mean = 157.646333841745 ms,
        mode = 181.16091942004059 ms

Q3 statistics:
        mean = 100.56290434124146 ms,
        mode = 107.71050560367647 ms

r_λ (mean) = 1.5676390302611145
r_λ (mode) = 1.6819243248808688

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 36.019 seconds)

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