========================================= Getting started with relaxation inversion ========================================= Let's examine the inversion of a NMR signal decay from :math:`T_2` relaxation measurement into a 1D distribution of :math:`T_2` parameters. For illustrative purposes, we use a synthetic one-dimensional signal decay. **Import relevant modules** .. plot:: :format: doctest :context: close-figs :include-source: >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from matplotlib import rcParams >>> from mrinversion.kernel import relaxation ... >>> rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42 # for exporting figures as illustrator editable pdf. Import the dataset ------------------ The first step is getting the dataset. In this example, we get the data from a CSDM [#f1]_ compliant file-format. Import the `csdmpy `_ module and load the dataset as follows, .. note:: The CSDM file-format is a new open-source universal file format for multi-dimensional datasets. It is supported by NMR programs such as SIMPSON [#f2]_, DMFIT [#f3]_, and RMN [#f4]_. A python package supporting CSDM file-format, `csdmpy `_, is also available. .. plot:: :format: doctest :context: close-figs :include-source: >>> import csdmpy as cp ... >>> filename = "https://ssnmr.org/resources/mrinversion/test3_signal.csdf" >>> data_object = cp.load(filename) # load the CSDM file with the csdmpy module Here, the variable *data_object* is a `CSDM `_ object. For comparison, let's also import the true t2 distribution from which the synthetic 1D signal decay is simulated. .. plot:: :format: doctest :context: close-figs :include-source: >>> datafile = "https://ssnmr.org/resources/mrinversion/test3_t2.csdf" >>> true_t2_dist = cp.load(datafile) # the true solution for comparison The following is the plot of the NMR signal decay as well as the corresponding true probability distribution. .. plot:: :format: doctest :context: close-figs :include-source: >>> _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 3.5), subplot_kw={'projection': 'csdm'}) # doctest: +SKIP >>> ax[0].plot(data_object) # doctest: +SKIP >>> ax[0].set_xlabel('time / s') # doctest: +SKIP >>> ax[0].set_title('NMR signal decay') # doctest: +SKIP ... >>> ax[1].plot(true_t2_dist) # doctest: +SKIP >>> ax[1].set_title('True distribution') # doctest: +SKIP >>> ax[1].set_xlabel('log(T2 / s)') # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.tight_layout() # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.show() # doctest: +SKIP .. _fig1_getting_started_relaxation: .. figure:: _static/null.* The figure on the left is the NMR signal decay corresponding to :math:`T_2` distribution shown on the right. Generating the kernel --------------------- Import the :py:class:`~mrinversion.kernel.relaxation.T2` class and generate the kernel as follows, .. plot:: :format: doctest :context: close-figs :include-source: >>> from mrinversion.kernel.relaxation import T2 >>> relaxT2 = T2( ... kernel_dimension = data_object.dimensions[0], ... inverse_dimension=dict( ... count=64, minimum="1e-2 s", maximum="1e3 s", scale="log", label="log (T2 / s)" ... ) ... ) >>> inverse_dimension = relaxT2.inverse_dimension In the above code, the variable ``relaxT2`` is an instance of the :py:class:`~mrinversion.kernel.relaxation.T2` class. The two required arguments of this class are the *kernel_dimension* and *inverse_dimension*. The *kernel_dimension* is the dimension over which the signal relaxation measurements are acquired. In this case, this referes to the time at which the relaxation measurement was performed. The *inverse_dimension* is the dimension over which the T2 distribution is evaluated. In this case, the inverse dimension is a log-linear scale spanning from 10 ms to 1000 s in 64 steps. Once the *T2* instance is created, use the :py:meth:`~mrinversion.kernel.relaxation.T2.kernel` method of the instance to generate the relaxation kernel, as follows, .. plot:: :format: doctest :context: close-figs :include-source: >>> K = relaxT2.kernel(supersampling=20) >>> print(K.shape) (25, 64) Here, ``K`` is the :math:`25\times 64` kernel, where the 25 is the number of samples (time measurements), and 64 is the number of features (T2). The argument *supersampling* is the supersampling factor. In a supersampling scheme, each grid cell is averaged over a :math:`n` sub-grid, where :math:`n` is the supersampling factor. Data compression (optional) --------------------------- Often when the kernel, K, is ill-conditioned, the solution becomes unstable in the presence of the measurement noise. An ill-conditioned kernel is the one whose singular values quickly decay to zero. In such cases, we employ the truncated singular value decomposition method to approximately represent the kernel K onto a smaller sub-space, called the *range space*, where the sub-space kernel is relatively well-defined. We refer to this sub-space kernel as the *compressed kernel*. Similarly, the measurement data on the sub-space is referred to as the *compressed signal*. The compression also reduces the time for further computation. To compress the kernel and the data, import the :py:class:`~mrinversion.linear_model.TSVDCompression` class and follow, .. plot:: :format: doctest :context: close-figs :include-source: >>> from mrinversion.linear_model import TSVDCompression >>> new_system = TSVDCompression(K=K, s=data_object) compression factor = 1.0416666666666667 >>> compressed_K = new_system.compressed_K >>> compressed_s = new_system.compressed_s Here, the variable ``new_system`` is an instance of the :py:class:`~mrinversion.linear_model.TSVDCompression` class. If no truncation index is provided as the argument, when initializing the ``TSVDCompression`` class, an optimum truncation index is chosen using the maximum entropy method [#f5]_, which is the default behavior. The attributes :py:attr:`~mrinversion.linear_model.TSVDCompression.compressed_K` and :py:attr:`~mrinversion.linear_model.TSVDCompression.compressed_s` holds the compressed kernel and signal, respectively. The shape of the original signal *v.s.* the compressed signal is .. plot:: :format: doctest :context: close-figs :include-source: >>> print(data_object.shape, compressed_s.shape) (25,) (24,) Statistical learning of relaxation parameters --------------------------------------------- The solution from a linear model trained with l1, such as the FISTA estimator used here, depends on the choice of the hyperparameters. To find the optimum hyperparameter, we employ the statistical learning-based model, such as the *n*-fold cross-validation. The :py:class:`~mrinversion.linear_model.LassoFistaCV` class is designed to solve the l1 problem for a range of :math:`\lambda` values and determine the best solution using the *n*-fold cross-validation. Here, we search the best model using a 5-fold cross-validation statistical learning method. The :math:`\lambda` values are sampled uniformly on a logarithmic scale as, .. plot:: :format: doctest :context: close-figs :include-source: >>> lambdas = 10 ** (-7 + 6 * (np.arange(64) / 63)) Fista LASSO cross-validation Setup '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Setup the smooth lasso cross-validation as follows .. plot:: :format: doctest :context: close-figs :include-source: >>> from mrinversion.linear_model import LassoFistaCV >>> f_lasso_cv = LassoFistaCV( ... lambdas=lambdas, ... inverse_dimension=inverse_dimension, ... sigma=0.0008, ... folds=5, ... ) >>> f_lasso_cv.fit(K=compressed_K, s=compressed_s) The arguments of the :py:class:`~mrinversion.linear_model.LassoFistaCV` is a list of the *lambda* values, along with the standard deviation of the noise, *sigma*. The value of the argument *folds* is the number of folds used in the cross-validation. As before, to solve the problem, use the :meth:`~mrinversion.linear_model.LassoFistaCV.fit` method, whose arguments are the kernel and signal. The optimum hyperparameters ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' The optimized hyperparameters may be accessed using the :py:attr:`~mrinversion.linear_model.LassoFistaCV.hyperparameters` attribute of the class instance, .. plot:: :format: doctest :context: close-figs :include-source: >>> lam = f_lasso_cv.hyperparameters['lambda'] The cross-validation curve '''''''''''''''''''''''''' The cross-validation error metric is the mean square error metric. You may plot this data using the :py:attr:`~mrinversion.linear_model.LassoFistaCV.cv_plot` function. .. plot:: :format: doctest :context: close-figs :include-source: >>> plt.figure(figsize=(5, 3.5)) # doctest: +SKIP >>> f_lasso_cv.cv_plot() # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.tight_layout() # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.show() # doctest: +SKIP .. _fig3_getting_started_relaxation: .. figure:: _static/null.* The five-folds cross-validation prediction error curve as a function of the hyperparameter :math:`\lambda`. The optimum solution '''''''''''''''''''' The best model selection from the cross-validation method may be accessed using the :py:attr:`~mrinversion.linear_model.LassoFistaCV.f` attribute. .. plot:: :format: doctest :context: close-figs :include-source: >>> f_sol_cv = f_lasso_cv.f # best model selected using the 5-fold cross-validation The plot of the selected T2 parameter distribution is shown below. .. plot:: :format: doctest :context: close-figs :include-source: >>> plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3)) # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.subplot(projection='csdm') # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.plot(true_t2_dist / true_t2_dist.max(), label='True distribution') # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.plot(f_sol_cv / f_sol_cv.max(), label='Optimum distribution') # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.legend() # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.tight_layout() # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.show() # doctest: +SKIP .. _fig4_getting_started_relaxation: .. figure:: _static/null.* The figure depicts the comparision of the true T2 distribution and optimal T2 distribution solutiom from five-fold cross-validation. .. seealso:: `csdmpy `_, `Quantity `_, `numpy array `_, `Matplotlib library `_ .. 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